Thursday, December 6, 2012

Learning from our Elders

Today has been a very full day filled with praise, joy, serving and fulfillment.
Our day began at 5:30 am as our team chose to attend the sunrise Haitian morning worship service.
As the sun rose over the lush hillside, it was exhilarating to see the Haitian people young and old praise God with such conviction.  To be part of such a powerful service helped to jumpstart our day.  God would lead our journey again on this beautfiul sunny day.

After breakfast we loaded the taptap and ventured to get a tour of Grace Village.  We have not been there since May 2011 when Grace was still under construction.  As we drove up the hill in Titanyen and the gates were opened for us, we were in awe to see the incredible progress of Jeff and Alyn's vision for Grace Village.

There are now 56 orphaned boys and girls living in colorful, clean quarters who looked so happy and healthy.  What a joy to see as we had witnessed the living conditions many of these precious children were living in previously.

Grace Village is now open for school to 306 children, they are growing food, having worship services, and so much more.  Trying to comprehend that all of this is a vision coming to fruition due to loving hearts for God.

After enjoying time with the school children it was time to venture into the village and care for 5 different elders.  Our first visit was to Izna who needed to be bathed and cared for.  Respecting her privacy we left Betsy and Marilyn with Inza and her family members at their shanty and the rest of us left to see the other elders.

Marie is 103 years old and we received so much joy from her spunk and spirit as we sang and prayed with her.  We all took turns rubbing lotion on her arms, hands and feet as she laughed and smiled.  Here was a woman living in what we would consider unacceptable, and she was the most grateful, loving woman who seemed to have it all.

Each elder we visited stated such simple needs.  Angeline who was housebound and can't walk just wanted someone to wash a bag of dirty clothes she had.  Edmond, a blind man living in a hot room about 7X12 just wanted to know what he could do for us.  He said Healing Haiti is always helping him and bringing him good and he wanted to do something for us.  Unbelievable!  Antoine said he would just like for someone to bring his 12 year old grandson some shoes as he just got chosen to start school and he has no shoes.  He also requested someone plan a New Year's party and he would like to have juice.

Later in the day we all pondered the simple needs and wants of these wise elders who have experienced so much.  It is so humbling to see that everything these people need they get from the neverending love of our God.  They asked us for so little in the way of material possessions.We can all learn so much from them.  They gave us such a gift today, so much more than we gave them.

Thank you God for this amazing team as we serve and learn life's lessons together.  Our hearts are forever changed.

As we sang with the elders today:
Glory to God
Glory to God, Glory to God forever
Glwa pou Bondye Glwa pou Bondye
Gllwa pou Bondye  Pou tou jou

Jane and Joye

1 comment:

  1. The sweet elders! I could picture each one as I read your blog. Edmond ... so gracious ... so special ... each special in different ways.
